Amazon Delivery Drones to Land in Phoenix

Amazon Delivery Drones to Land in Phoenix

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Amazon is adding a new location to its drone delivery service. The Amazon Drone Delivery Program will be based in Tolleson, Arizona. Packages will be delivered to West Valley customers in less than an hour using the super-fast delivery option.

The drone program started in 2022 in College Station, Texas, and Lockeford, California. It has since delivered thousands of items to customers in under and hour, according to a report from About Amazon.

Amazon is working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to acquire all the permits required to conduct drone deliveries in Tolleson. The service will go live later in the year, and further locations are planned to open in the US in 2025.

Amazon is currently conducting flight tests with the new MK30 drone. This innovative drone enables packages to be delivered to customers with smaller backyards and can operate in more diverse weather conditions.

In a statement about the Amazon drone program rollout, Juan Rodriguez, the Mayor of Tolleson, said: “As Amazon embarks on the national expansion of its Amazon Drone Delivery Program, we’re proud to have their innovative presence in our community. By bringing this service to new communities, they’re not just delivering goods; they’re delivering opportunities and economic growth for all.”

Small business owners who use Amazon to sell goods in the Phoenix Metro area in Arizona will be able to take advantage of the drone service. With consumers increasingly demanding a fast and efficient delivery of goods, being delivered in less than an hour, Amazon’s drone delivery service offers opportunities for small businesses to cater to such demand.

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