Rainn Wilson, Cast of The Office Tout AT&T Business Service

Rainn Wilson, Cast of The Office Tout AT&T Business Service

Rainn Wilson, Cast of The Office Tout AT&T Business Service 150 150

Actor Rainn Wilson and the cast of the NBC show The Office tout AT&T business services in a new ad. The ad also includes actors Jenna Fischer, Craig Robinson, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, and Creed Bratton, also from the hit show.

“I have a business idea, and it might just change the world,” Wilson says in the new ad as his former cast members lie on pillows on the floor.

Fischer and Robinson say they’re eager to help with the project. Baumgartner and Flannery seem more unsure. Bratton sleeps soundly through the ad.

The ad, The Pitch, was launched as part of an AT&T campaign to promote small businesses’ use of the company’s broadband network.

The campaign also includes posts from Wilson on a new premium LinkedIn account with the hashtag “ATTInfluencer.”

“Making people happy is my business,” يقول Wilson on his LinkedIn account.

Wilson uses the platform to announce his new business, Dream with Rainn. He describes it as “a company devoted to making the world a better place.” He also asks his account’s followers for advice on getting started.

His post receives positive responses from the likes of Barbara Corcoran, one of the stars of the ABC show Shark Tank. “Remember that in business, the best time to move on an idea is the moment you think of it,” says Corcoran. “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.”

“Big fan, Barbara Corcoran. Want 50% of the company?” Wilson jokes in response.

Simultaneously, the campaign includes a campaign on Wilson’s Instagram account. In one post, Wilson يقول “You can’t dream if you can’t sleep. Today my dream becomes a reality.”

Additionally, the post includes a Reel in which Wilson announces, “You are napping on a rainbow, and unicorns are singing to you.”

Finally, the video dissolves with a ripple effect as Wilson sings softly.

Here’s a look at the ad:

الصورة: Depositphotos

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